Sandalwood for infant Colic & Cold

If you have a small baby at home, you would have come across a situation in which the baby cried continuously for at least an hour or more than that. It would normally happen in the evening or after midnight and not even a single person at home will have a clue what to do! The reason behind this is probably colic; in which baby will have a cramp like pain in stomach. The reason for this is not very well known.
Other reason for the cry may be common cold. For any of the situation, there is a home remedy followed by elders is sandalwood.

White Sandalwood or Srigandha (Kannada) is considered as holy wood. It is very expensive tree because of its medicinal properties! Karnataka is known as the motherland for sandalwood trees and hence the name Gandhadagudi (Temple of sandalwood).  Mysore is internationally recognized for its sandalwood products. Sandalwood is a common ingredient (not secret) in most of the beauty products. It is mainly used in the spa and massage centres because of the healing properties. It is anti-bacterial, anti-depressant!

How to do:
  • Take a spoonful of fresh pure sandalwood paste in watery state in a bowl, warm it up.
  • Feed ¼ tsp to the baby orally 
    • if baby is above 6 months old. Or,
    • If baby is new born & below 6 months, then make the baby lick just a pinch of the sandalwood paste with your clean finger.
  • Apply remaining paste on the forehead and around the ear of the baby. It gives a great relief from headache & ear pain if any!

Note: Suggested, to get the white sandalwood paste from the pure sandalwood stick. You can also use pure sandalwood powder by mixing it with 1 spoon of fresh water.

Steps to get Sandalwood paste from the stick:
  • Wash the Sandalwood stick.
  • Clean a rough surface such as a rubbing stone with fresh water.
  • Sprinkle little water on the surface of the stone. Rub the sandalwood stick on the surface lengthwise or clockwise. If you feel it is dry, add little water.
  • Finally collect the sandalwood extract with your fingers into a clean bowl.
